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(updated on Mar 24, 2023)

(Click the image below to see Woody in his rescuer's home)

breed: Sapsaree

color: Brown

gender: Male

age: 5Y (est. DOB 2018.01.11)

BW: 20kg (very thin)

2022.12.28 DHPP(1), Rabies

2023.01.14 DHPPL(2), KC(1), Corona(1)

2023.01.24 Neutered

2023.01.28 DHPPL(3), KC(2), Corona(2)

2023.02.11 CDV Antibody test (planned)

Last Heartgard Plus on 1.13 (next 2.13)

Last Bravecto (external dewormer) on 1.13 (next 4.13)

Last internal dewormer on 1.14


2022.12.28 Test positive for heartworms

2023.02.03 Start 7-day premedication of heartworm treatment

2023.02.10 1st Injection for heartworm treatment

2023.02.11 2nd Injection for heartworm treatment

2023.02.12 Start 15-day medication post to heartworm treatment

2023.08.11 or later, a heartworm test is needed to confirm

makeup of pre- and post-medication of heartworm treatment

major: doxycycline, prednisone

minor: Ursodeoxycholic Acidc, L-Aspartic Acid L-Ornithine, milk thistle


Woody was a stray dog in Jeju, South Korea. We don't know anything about his background. He was not young (5Y) and heartworm-positive, which makes him highly undesirable for adoption. He was likely to be put down. Thus we rescued Woody.


Woody is a sapsaree. He is gentle, peaceful and yet charismatic. He is a little aloof and does not come to people initially. But he still is friendly and watches you with quiet gentleness in his eyes. He is sociable with dogs (so far he saw only female dogs). He would not condone fresh behaviors from other dogs. For example, he defends his treats from a dog trying to steal. He won't fight but he will chase away these dogs with growling. He will be a great companion dog for someone who would appreciate his quiet dignity.


Woody is aloof but friendly and gentle. He may not be the first dog who approaches you but he certainly likes you and would like you to caress him (especially around the back of the ears). He sees you with happy expectation and greets you with a smile and a tail wagging when you come back from work. He may bark toward strangers but will be fine once he gets to know them a little. He is not a type of dog who will roll over for a tiny treat. He is a dog with dignity. If you respect his dignity, then he'll be your lifetime friend.

Woody has not been with children or babies. We don't think he would be interested in them to cause any harm.


Woody seems aloof with dogs too. Initially he did not approach or tried to befriend any dogs. He might have been in shock since he was in poor health from prolonged diarrhea when he was rescued. A few days later, he started hanging out with a young female dog and then other female dogs too. Now (2 weeks after his rescue) he is either friendly or indifferent to the dogs in the house.

In general, sapsarees are not very sociable dogs. Thus we expect some problem for him to mingle with adult male dogs. Unfortunately there isn't any other male dog in the house. We may send him to the trainer's in March after his heartworm treatment is finished. Then we will know how he does with other male dogs.




  • House broken? Yes (already in 2-3 weeks!). He does marking in the yard. He tried it too indoors but no more once he was house-trained. As any male dog, he may start marking again if he is in a new house or with other males. We advise you to use a manner band for 1-2 weeks.

  • Training? Yes (Good with 'come', 'sit' and 'wait'. He tends to come only when expects something good from you, like treats).

  • Leash training? Not tried yet. Pulls hard at the moment.

  • Shedding? Low

  • Barking? Low (He barks at the delivery guy with deep resonating voice)

  • Appetite? Okay (Wet food makes him picky. So be wise to give him wet food).

  • Separation anxiety? Unknown but unlikely

  • Mischief? None

  • Motion sickness? Yes (salivation & vomit)




Woody is a mature, typical aloof sapsafee. He would suit better to someone who appreciates his quiet companionship.


Stray Dog Notice.


Woody right after the rescue. He was too tired to resist even though total strangers were trimming his fur. He had lost 2.5kg during his stay at the pound for 10 days. He had severe diarrhea right after the rescue. He probably had had it for a while.

(We still don't know the cause of his diarrhea. He was negative for CPV, CCV, and giardia when he was rescued. He did not have internal parasites and no known germs or bacteria found from the fecal test. But the blood test showed high inflammation and he responded well to anti-inflammatory drugs.)

2023.1.13 Woody after his first bath.

2023.1.16 Woody smiling with expectation of yummy treats. He is good with 'sit' and 'wait' for his turn to get treats.

Woody seemed to feel better as his diarrhea was controlled by anti-inflammatory drugs. He gained weight too. He made friends with Nikkie and Nellie. He plays with Bailey too from time to time. In 2-3 weeks, he is well adjusted to the life at the rescuer's house.

Unfortunately there are no male dogs in the house now. Thus we won't know how he does with other adult male dogs. We'll update our observations if Woody has a chance to interact with male dogs.

One thing very particular thing about Woody is his fascination with a light. He is crazy with a cell phone reflection on the wall or a light beam from laser pointer. He is also very much interested in moving animals or people on screen. One day I found him in the living room, sitting & watching intently following something moving somewhere high. I wondered what he was looking. Then I realized he was following the movement of my cell phone reflection in the ceiling or on the walls.

He loves the reflection so much that he looks for it all the time including on a gloomy day or even at night. Thus one day I brought him out to the yard and showed him a light beam from my laser pointer. He went crazy. He chased after the beam so hard that he became breathless in a short time. I had to stop playing because he is heartworm positive and should not exercise vigorously.

Initially he did not know it was I who generated them. Soon he learned. Every morning, after breakfast, he expectantly watches me and the walls. At night he watches if I am holding the laser pointer and even nudges my hand to urge playing. He is so cute.

He is also interested in moving objects (dogs, people, other animals) on screen. One day I realized whimpering sound with movement in my periphery, while I was working on my PC. It was Woody. He was watching the screen from my back and got excited. So I started showing him U-tubes. He likes border collie herding scenes a lot. He would enjoy watching animal channels.

Woody will start his heartworm treatment soon. It may not be easy, since he is a matured dog (about 5Y) so the heartworms have grown big too. His treatment (premedication, HW injections, and medication post to the treatment) will be done by Feb. He then may move to the trainer's and stay there, until we find a flight volunteer for him.

Woody fought with MJ, a new guy. Thus he was moved to the trainers on Feb 11, 2023. At the trainer's, Woody is a loner. He has not played with another dog. Not even once. His only social interest seems to dominate the others. Right after his arrival at the trainer's, he started a few fights with dogs of similar size & strength. Then he keep starting a fight with a few dogs who have fought with him. When he does, he approaches the dog from behind as if he is sniffing. Then he attacks from behind. He avoids much powerful big dogs.

Woody is friendly with people including the trainer and his family.

조회수 21회


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