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(updated on Dec 25, 2022)

(Click the image below to see Luca in his foster home)

breed: Border Colie

color: Black and White

gender: Male

age: 2Y (est. DOB 2020.10.18)

BW: 15-17kg (thin)

2022.10.22 DHPP(1), KC(1), Corona(1), Rabies

2022.11.06 DHPPL(2), KC(2), Corona(2)

2022.11.19 DHPP(3)

2022.12.06 Antibody test: excellent for CDV & CPV (6/6)

2023.01.25 Join Woofies Rescue in SF, USA

Last Heartgard Plus on 12.20 (next 1.20)

Last Bravecto (external dewormer) on 10.20 (next 1.20)

Last Fenbendazole (internal dewormer, 50mg/kg) on 11.12


Luca was a stray dog in NamYangJoo, South Korea. He stayed at the pound about a month but nobody claimed him. Thus we rescued him to avoid his euthanasia. All unadopted adults dogs, admitted before or on the same date as Luca, were put down. Probably Luca was allowed to live longer than others because he belongs to a popular breed. Luca was happy to see us but he was also nervous at the same time when we went to the pound to pull him out.


Luca is a typical border collie, very active and very smart. He is a good boy at his heart but he could be mischievous and highly excitable at times. He loves people and wants to stay with people. He jumps on people for a nice kiss, which we tries to discourage him to do. He gets along with other dogs well but he seems to herds them, rather than play with them, which is also typical for a border collie.


Luca loves people. He approaches people with no reservation. He askes for a pet and loves to be cuddled. If a proper attention is not given, he will ask by nudging people's hand with his nose or jumping (see the video below). He would thrive on people's attention and affection.

Luca Jumps on people to get attention and affection. He responds well to corrections.

Playing frisbee is a wonderful thing to entertain Luca. He did not know how to play frisbee when he was rescued. In a month he has become a good player. We are currently working on him retrieving the frisbee all the way back to his human partner.


Luca is friendly and playful with other dogs, in a typical border collie way. He herds other dogs, rather than play with them. He also seems to consider most dogs under him and wants to be on top of them. He smells sensitive areas of other dogs too intently and tries to mount frequently. This attitude is okay with young or weak dogs who are clearly under him. But this attitude may result in a fight. What is nice about Luca is that he avoids physical aggression thus there won't be actual fights (Luca is not a physically powerful dog). I think he will accept his defeat and be fine with it if he is defeated in a fight. I believe he would repeat the same with any new dogs he meets. He is not a fighting dog. He only dares.

Luca needs to be fed alone. He has great appetite for food. He devours his own in a few seconds and then goes directly to other's food bowl to steal. Thus he was fed separated from the others by a barrier. He also searches for food and will steal & eat if any type food (for humans too) is within his reach. Thus there should be no leftovers, no bags of bread etc on the table tops.

Luca has not been with cats.




  • House broken? Yes

  • Training? Done (good with 'come', 'sit' and 'wait')

  • Leash training? Being done (Luca used to be crazy with cars & motorcyces. He has become okay with them with a help of a gentle leader. He still is highly reactive with new dogs he meets on the street though. His intention is to explore (sniff) and dominate (mount), never to fight.)

  • Shedding? Average

  • Barking? Average (He barks a lot when he is excited at the sight of new dogs.)

  • Appetite? Great (He gets 4-5 C/day. Still he is very thin. He begs for more kibbles but giving too much kibbles makes his stool soft.)

  • Separation anxiety? Unknown (He is always with other dogs even if there are no people. Thus it is hard to know.)

  • Mischief? Chewing up things

  • Motion sickness? Almost none




Luca is people-oriented dog as any other border collie is. He will require your attention and time. He need a home where he can get proper mental & physical stimulations (A yard and/or an active playmate will be helpful.)


Luca's Stray Dog Notice.

Luca at the pound vet. He looked anxious to get out of the cage.

Luca at the rescuer's house. He was thin but healthy. He was sociable with people and other dogs. But he was reactive to cars, motorcycles, new dogs etc. He needed a leash training too.

Luca, bathed and happy

Luca stayed isolated for a week and then was introduced to the pack for the first time. Luca and Blue (another male) reacted to each other a bit but nothing happened.

Luca was very nice to a new puppy (5 months old). He was the best big brother for the pup.

Luca used to pull the leash real hard. He jerked leash in every directions on an impulse. It was clear that he was not leash-trained. He probably was not walked at all (it was impossible to walk him).

Thus we used a gentle leader with positive reinforcement.

Luca is reactive with dogs he meets on the street. His intention is not an aggressive one. But he pulls toward the dog to sniff and mount. Thus it needs correction. A positive reinforcement for sitting instead of reacting to the dogs worked. He still needs work on this.

Luca has become a good frisbee player.

Luca does not leave the pack during off-leash walks.

A month later, Luca moved to a foster's home in Jeju island. He has stayed there sine.

Both Luca and Kiki (another border collie in the video) play in a herding style.

Luca is a good-hearted boy. He is active, smart, playful, loving, and sociable with people and dogs. He needs some training on his reactivity to new dogs he meets on the streets or in a dog park.

조회수 68회


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