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(updated on Feb 06, 2023)

(click the image below to view Nellie in the foster home)

breed: Border Collie Mix

color: Black and White

gender: Female (spaying is planned on Sep 3rd)

age: 1-2Y (est. DOB 2021.08.28)

BW: 12.3kg

2022.08.25 DHPP(1)

2022.09.08 DHPPL(2), KC(1), Rabies

2022.09.22 DHPP(3), KC(2), Corona

2023.01.28 Antibody test (good for both CDV & CPV)

DHPPL(4) (Vet's recommendation around 1.5Y)

2023.02.09 Leave for SF to join Woofies Rescue

Last Revolution on 2.1 (next 3.1)

Last Fenbendazole (internal dewormer) on 2.1


Nellie was a stray dog in SangJoo, KyungSangBook-do, South Korea. We know nothing about her background other than that she was picked up from the streets.


Nellie is a lovely girl who wants to please people. She is small (12kg, fit) and very active. She is quick to move and fast to learn. She is friendly to both people and dogs. She is timid but she befriends most dogs of her interest by persistently asking to play with.


Nellie loves people. But she is timid. She almost crawls and shows her belly up when she comes close to people she doesn't know well. She gets better with time. She sometimes hides when she hears loud voice. Thus please treat her gently and speak to her with soft pleasant voice. Then she will become a puppy loving to hang around with you!

Nellie has not been with kids or babies. But we believe she will be fine (fine with any human being).


Nellie is friendly and wants to be friends with almost every dog she meets. Some dogs become friends right away. Some dogs refuse Nellie's invitation. What is surprising is Nellie's persistence. She keeps inviting them until they play with her. It may take days and sometimes there could be quarrels with a dog who finds her persistence irritating. Nellie is never aggressive, only persistent.

Nellie has not been with any cats.




  • House broken? Yes. She had been at the trainer's for a few months and came back to the rescuer's home recently. Thus she is still adjusting to the new schedule. At the moment, she needs frequent visits to the yard/outside. I always let my dogs out at 11:30PM and 7:00AM.

  • Training? Done. She is very good with 'come', 'sit', 'down', 'wait', but she keeps moving around out of nervousness I think. She may settle down once she is adopted.

  • Leash training? Done. She is pretty good and does not pull at all. Initially she has tendency to bolt out ahead impulsively, which has been corrected. The only inconvenient thing she does is that she does not keep the side (left of the person, for example). She often goes behind you and goes to the other side. I'm trying to keep her to my left side by having the leash short. She is a good pupil responding to minor corrections sensitively.

  • Shedding? Low

  • Barking? Average

  • Appetite? Okay

  • Separation anxiety? Unknown

  • Mischief? None (digging? I don't know who is digging... but I think it increased since she joined us).

  • Motion sickness? Some (she salivates)




Nellie is very active. She will be better with someone who could provide chances to burn off her energy.


Nellie's Stray Dog Notice.

Nellie was very thin when we rescued her. Her skin was bald here and there with no obvious causes. We think she suffered from malnutrition and stress.

Nellie is quick, active and with high anxiety. It is not easy to take focused photos since she constantly moves. Still she loves people and comes for pet.

There had been too many dogs at the rescuer's house from summer to fall in 2022. Thus Nellie was sent to the trainer's in September, 2022. We hoped she could be more calm and confident around people after spending time at the trainer's.

Nellie adjusted well to the life at the trainer's. She was happy with the trainer and his family members. She made friends with various dogs at the trainer's regardless of their size or gender. She is trained for basic obedience commands and leashed walks. She got the approval of the trainer to go in November, 2022.

Nellie at the trainer's

Nellie came back to the rescuer's house on Jan 25, 2023. Nellie is friendly to both people and other dogs. Still she is a little timid around people. She seems to be cautious with other dogs too. But she is very persistent and eventually succeeds in making friends with all dogs.

She lowers herself down out of nervousness when she greets me. She does it less and less with time.

Nellie, playing with other dogs at the rescuer's house

Nellie loves to run off-leash. When I first let her leash-free in the woods, she ran straight forward at full speed and disappeared. I thought I lost her but she came back 2-3 minutes later (I kept calling out her name so that she could hear me). She still runs away and disappears. But she comes back in 10s of seconds. Thus it feels safe and I don't worry even if I could not see her around me. Nellie loves this off-leash walk so very much. It is a pleasure to watch her running fast with her white tail tip wagging.

She may do the same in new places. Please make sure she knows her way around well before you try to let her off-leash.

Nellie seems to be in constant motion. The only time she stops moving is when she sleeps. She plays by herself if there is no friend to play with.

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