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(updated on Mar 9, 2023)

(Click the image below to see Bell at her foster home in SF, USA)

breed: Mix

color: Black and Grey

gender: Female

age: 3Y (est. DOB 2020.01.11)

BW: 18kg

2022.08.25 DHPP(1)

2022.09.08 DHPPL(2), KC(1), Rabies

2022.09.12 Spayed

2022.09.22 DHPP(3), KC(2), Corona(1)

2022.10.06 Corona(2)

Last Heartgard Plus on 1.1 (next 2.1)

Last Bravecto (external dewormer) on 1.1 (next 2.1)

Last Fenbendazole (internal dewormer) on 12.1


Bell was admitted to the pound as a 4-5 month old puppy in June, 2020. She grew up at the pound until she was about 2 years old. We pulled her out from the pound on July 18, 2022 to avoid scheduled euthanasia. She was moved to and stayed at a doggy hotel about 2 months. Then she came to the rescuer's house. She turned out to be people-shy and a little dominant among dogs. Thus she was moved to the trainers on Oct 15th. She gained the approval of the trainer in December, 2022. She is ready to someone's beloved pup.


Bell is a very attractive girl with mysterious wild look and cute personality. She is very active, playful, sociable and full of curiosity. She is shy with strangers but becomes friendly quickly. She is very friendly with most dogs but has a dominant tendency.


Bell grew up at a pound among a group of people-shy dogs. Thus she seems to be a little cautious (fear might be too strong for her) around strangers. She avoided me initially when we met for the first time. She growled at me when I got too close. And she refused to eat in front of me. All these changed in only 2-3 days. Soon she started to come to me for a pet. She used to nudge my back with her nose when I was working in my veggie garden (she was very curious to find out what I was doing). Still she was a bundle of nerves when she was with me inside home. She was in constant quick motion without taking a rest. Also she was nervous with guests in the house.

She was sent to the trainer in Oct 2022 and has stayed at the trainer's since. The trainer says she is ready to come back home.


Bell is sociable and very popular among most dogs. For 2 weeks she stayed at my house in Sep 2022, she was constantly invited for a play from other dogs. She loved to run. She was the one who initiated a chasing game most of the time. It was a common sight to see everyone running crazily after her in the yard while she was staying at my house. Oddly she ignored my big female dogs and played only with rescued dogs, which is common among rescued dogs. Rescued dogs seem to recognize and feel comfortable with other rescued dogs.

The only thing I noticed that made her nasty was treats. She was so crazy with yummy treats that she used to jump and steal when she saw a chance. And she intimidated and chased away small dogs so that they could not get their treats.

We had too many dogs in summer & fall of 2022. Thus Bell was sent to the trainer's. The trainer found that Bell behaved dominantly with dogs; she tried to mount other dogs, males or females; she got involved in flights with big dogs. I guess her attitude with small dogs in my house (described in the previous paragraph) could also be a reflection of her dominance.

After 3 months at the trainer's, Bell got the approval from the trainer. I will observe and update this web site after she comes back to my house in Feb 2023.




  • House broken? Yes

  • Training? Yes (come, sit, wait ...)

  • Leash training? Yes

  • Shedding? Low

  • Barking? Average

  • Appetite? Very good

  • Separation anxiety? Unknown

  • Mischief? None

  • Motion sickness? Some (salivation)




Bell is very active thus a house with a yard and a playmate will be good.


Bell's Stray Dog Notice.

Bell is very attractive with unique haunted look!

Bell probably heard the voilin for the first time. There will be lots of her first time.

Bell is shy but she wants to be loved.

Bell is active, playful and sociable. Often she is the center of plays.

Bell came back to the rescuer's house from the trainer's on Feb 11, 2023. We could see this time that she has made a lot of progress.

  • She is more calm and stable. She is no more skittish around people. She sits down calmly in the living room. She sleeps through the night inside home.

  • She does not make mistakes inside home. Currently she is let out to the yard quite often but she stays the night inside from midnight to 6:30AM.

  • She is still very friendly with most dogs. She no more picks up on Dongdong (the smallest and weakest member of the pack); she sniffed at her and let her go with no response.

  • She still has bad motion sickness; she vomited for 1.5hr ride from the trainer's to the rescuer's house.

조회수 103회


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