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(updated on Mar 9, 2023)

breed: Mix (Jack Russel Terrier)

color: Black & White

gender: Female (spayed on 2022.06.11)

age: 2-3Y (est. DOB 2020.06.03)

BW: 10kg

2022.05.06 Rabies, DHPPL(1)

2022.05.20 DHPPL(2), KC(1), Corona(1)

2022.06.03 DHPPL(3), KC(2), Corona(2)

2022.06.11 Ab test (good CDV & excellent CPV Ab)

2022.06.18 DHPPL(4)

2023.02.21 Join Woofies Rescue in SF, USA

Last Revolution (3-in-1 dewormer) on 1.1 (next 2.1)

Last internal dewormer on 12.1


We don't know much about Cookie's background, other than that she was picked up from the street. We rescued Cookie on June 3rd. She stayed at the rescuer's home about 2 weeks until she moved to the trainer's on June 18th. She was at the trainer's about 3 months and returned to the rescuer's home on Oct 15th.


Cookie is a happy girl with lots of energy & powerful muscles. We were told she is about 3 years old but she could be younger, around 1 year old, judging from her teeth and the level of energy. Cookie seems bold and fearless but she is in fact easily scared, which makes her reactive. She used to attack other dogs when they get too close. The 3 month's training seems to have reduced her reactivity. She is a happy camper now but one needs to know this side of her (reactive out of fear) and on alert when she meets new dogs.


Cookie loves people but seems to be suspicious of people's intention. Thus she is cautious when you meet her for the first time. She quickly turns into a fun ball of love once she realizes you means no harm. Her eyes will glow with happiness and pleasure.

It is important to use positive reinforcement (treats, praises) in training dogs in general. But it is essential in dealing with Cookie, since she is scared and suspicious of people. She may try to snap at your hand to defend herself if she is pushed too much. Thus please show her you are a friend by using treats, joyful calling, playfulness, caress and hugs before you do something she does not want to do (ex. toenail clipping, applying tick medicine behind her back, giving an injection...).

Cookie has not been with small children.


The following was the reason Cookie was sent to the trainer's.

(1) Cookie is sociable with nice dogs. She energetically runs and wrestles with them. But she does not seem to know how to invite a dog into play. She nibbles at the hind legs or hips when she wants to play. It may result in the desired effect and a chasing game follows. But it may cause a fight if the other dog does not take her approach nicely. With some dogs (dominant? not sure), Cookie fights.

(2) Cookies has a weird fixation on the place. She was segregated for a week in a small section of the yard with a gate because of her giardia infection. With the gate opened after a week, she kept occupying the same area and attacked the dogs who approached her area. Thus I forced her to stay with the rest in the big section of the yard by closing the gate. She firstly slept in front of that gate. When it rained, she finally moved to the covered deck where most dogs stay together. She then occupied a big cushion on the deck near the patio door and started to guard the cushion again. All dogs use the patio door to come in and out of the house. Thus this time Cookie created a real problem by attacking almost everyone. This behavior was not seen in other dogs. I think Cookie has innate anxiety to seek a hiding place of her own. Later I designated a kennel as her own hiding place. It worked and she liked to stay inside the kennel. But soon she defended the area around the kennel too.

These two behavioral issues seem to have been settled after 3 months' time at the trainer's. She is still not an easy going dog; she is still easily scared; she runs away to a hiding place (her kennel) if she feels threatened. But she no more charges at other dogs from her guarded place.

Cookie has not been with cats.




  • House broken? Yes (she did not make a mistake. Not even once).

  • Training? Good with 'sit', 'wait', and 'come'. (With 'come', she always checks on me first. If I say 'come' in a cheerful voice, she comes right away. Otherwise, she comes near and watches me to see if I'm in good mood. Thus I think she experienced human voilance in the past).

  • Leash training? Okay mostly but she has tendency to bolt out impulsively. Thus one needs to remind her she is on a leash by gently jerking back the leash. She listens well to these gentle corrections.

  • Car rides? Okay with some motion sickness (salivation)

  • Shedding? Low

  • Barking? Low

  • Appetite? Okay (she eats well with wet food over kibbles; she may prefer to eat in a quiet place alone. She does not eat if there are too much commotion around her).

  • Separation anxiety? Unknown

  • Mischief? Digging (She is one of the most persistent diggers).




Cookie is quick to move both physically and mentally. She can be playful one second and then she could be defensive the next. Thus Cookie will do better in a stable calm environment. An active playmate will be great.


Cookies's Stray Dog Notice

Right after the rescue. Cookie seems relieved.

Cookies has been isolated due to giardia. She is half-crazy in her desire to play.

Cookie at the trainer's (after June 18th). We sent Cookie to the trainer because she started attacking other dogs, big or small, whenever a dog approaches a space she claims as hers.

Cookie is good in walking on a leash.

Cookie came back to the rescuer's home after 3 months at the trainer's.

She sits and waits for your okay signal in front of a bowl.

Cookie is friendly to a new dog.

Cookie is the jump starter for a chasing game!

Cookie is jumpy during walks. But she does not pull hard. Her neck is thick and is almost the same in circumference as her head. Thus a regular collar will slip off if she resists to your pulling. In this video, she is using a chain collar.

Cookie loves to be outside~

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