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Eddie (now Teddie)

(Click the image below to see Teddie (aka Eddie) in his new home.

breed: Sapsaree Mix

color: Brown

gender: Male (Neutered on 2022.04.30)

DOB (est): 2021.04.21

BW: 19kg

2022.05.01 DHPP(1), KC(1), Corona(1), Flu(1), Rabies

2022.05.14 DHPPL(2), KC(2), Corona(2), Flu(2)

2022.05.28 DHPPL(3)

2022.09.01 Antibody test: average Ab for CDV & excellent Ab for CPV

2022.09.01 DHPPL(4)

2022.09.13 DHPPL(5)

Last Revolution on 9.1 (next 9.1)

Last Internal dewormer on 8.31


2022.04.23 Positive for heartworms

2022.05.06 Start 7-day premedication of heartworm treatment

2022.05.13 1st Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.05.14 2nd Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.05.15 Start 15-day medication post to heartworm treatment

2022.11.14 or later, a heartworm test is needed to confirm

makeup of pre- and post-medication of heartworm treatment

major: doxycycline, prednisone

minor: Ursodeoxycholic Acidc, L-Aspartic Acid L-Ornithine, milk thistle


Eddie was one of three dogs roaming together around the tourist attractions in KyungJoo, the capital city of an ancient kingdom "ShilLa" located in the southern part of Korea Peninsula. All three dogs were captured and admitted to the KyungJoo City Pound, where he stayed until we pulled him out in late April.

Eddie IS...

Eddie is a very handsome young boy. He behaves strong and cool. But he is gentle and soft inside. He will react very well to gentle mannered people. He is friendly with people and dogs. He craves for close relationship with people.


Eddie loves people. He wants to be physically near people. He wants to sit pr sleep next to people. He loves to sit on sofa, chair, or bed, probably because he wants to stay near people. He constantly asks to be pet or hugged. At the same time, he is obstinate and not truly obedient. He listens to you mostly if you have something he wants (usually treats). He seems happy and confident but inside he is timid and easily intimidated. Thus please be gentle with him, even when he is not listening to you. He will be withdrawn, avoid you and even sulk in a far corner if you treat him rough (ex. shouting, pulling the collar by force etc).

Eddie has not been seen with children or babies. He is likely interested in adults only and ignores them.


Eddie is friendly with dogs. He plays very well with all types of dogs. His manner during play could be too rough for some small young female dogs. In that case, gently tell him "No" and he will listen. In public places, Eddie could behave inappropriately by pulling strongly toward other dogs in great excitement (big or small - it does not make any difference). This happened at a vet while we waited for the appointment. He went into agitated restless state. He would not listen to the repeated commands and had to be restrained by the leash constantly. He might have not done anything bad to those small dogs in the waiting room even if he was allowed to go closer, since he is generally a friendly dog. At this time, I don't know if this behavior would get better with experience.

Eddie is crasy for treats. He has no qualms of stealing other dog's chance to get treats or eating from someone else's bowl. Thus he needs to be monitored during meal or treat time in order to avoid quarrels.

He has not been seen with any cats.




  • House broken? Yes

  • Basic obedience training? Good with 'sit' and 'come'. Not so good with 'wait'

  • Leash trained? Yes

  • Car rides? Yes

  • Shedding? Average

  • Barking? Not much (only to strangers near the house)

  • Appetite? Good

  • Separation anxiety? None




Eddie can be suitable to any type of family.


Eddie's Stray Dog Notice

Eddie used to have beautiful long fur.

At the rescuer's home, right after the rescue

After shaving

Eddie moved to the trainer's after spending 1-2 weeks at the rescuer's house, not because we thought he had behavioral issues but because there was no space.

At the trainer's. Eddie was friendly but aloof. The trainer said he obeyed only when he expected something good (treats). He also used to fight when he met challenging dogs. We believe he had to be competitive in order to survive on the street.

These have been dealt with during 3.5 months he stayed at the trainer's. Now Eddie plays well with other dogs. Eddie has a tendency to get heated during play and involves in minor quarrels, according to the trainer. Nothing serious though.

Eddie came back to the rescuer's house on August 19th. The first thing I noticed was that his marking was greatly reduced. After 2-3 weeks on a manner band, he hardly marked at all. (It took longer because there was another male in the house). He may start marking again if he is in a new envirornment, especially if there are other male dogs. Thus I recommend a manner band.

Funny thing about Eddie is... he likes high places - chairs, sofas, beds. If you cannot find him, try to find him on your bed.

Eddie likes nature walks. He walks okay with leash once initial excitement is over.

Eddie is friendly and loves to play with other dogs.

Eddie loves toy. He could be a little possessive of his toys.

Eddie is not perfect. But he is amazing, considering that he was on the street in early April. He has made this far less than 5 months. It must have been stressful for him. I hope all this hard work would bring a happy ending for him.

Eddie is a fragile soul. I only hope he would not lose this smile from his face forever.

조회수 137회


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