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Click the image below to see Fozzy (aka Bella) in her furever home.

breed: mix (Jindo and Sapsaree)

color: White

gender: Female (Spayed on 2022.04.30)

age: 2Y/1M (est. DOB 2020.04.23)

BW: 12.5kg

2022.04.30 DHPP(1), KC(1), Corona(1), Flu(1), Rabies

2022.05.14 DHPPL(2), KC(2), Corona(2), Flu(2)

2022.05.28 DHPPL(3)

2022.06.10 Ab test (excellent for CDV, CPV, CIV)

2022.06.17 Left for SF tp join Woofies Rescue

Last Heartgard Plus on 6.4 (next 7.4)

Last Bravecto on 4.23 (next on 7.23)

Last Internal dewormer on 4.23


2022.04.23 Positive for heartworms

2022.05.06 Start 7-day premedication of heartworm treatment

2022.05.13 1st Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.05.14 2nd Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.05.15 Start 15-day medication post to heartworm treatment

2022.11.14 or later, a heartworm test is needed to confirm

make of pre- and post-medication of heartworm treatment

major: doxycycline, prednisone

minor: Ursodeoxycholic Acidc, L-Aspartic Acid L-Ornithine, milk thistle


Bella came from UlJin where the devastating wildfire destroyed 70% of Uljin's forest in March, 2022. Bella was surrendered to UlJin Pound with her son Toby in April, 2022. Bella and Toby did not show any sign of abuse or neglect. If any, they showed that they were well cared; it was clear that they were let indoors and lived close with people. Thus we guessed it was economic hardship that caused their owner to surrender them to the pound.


Bella is a lovely calm young girl. She is confident, sociable, tidy, and well mannered. She is good with people and dogs (except small dogs; see below). She is a perfect companion for someone who prefers a quiet calm orderly life to a happy but messy chaos created by a rambunctious pup.


Bella loves people. She wants to be close with people. She would stay and sleep around people (in or near the bedroom but not on the bed). Nobody could resist to her quiet charming gaze for a pet. She is also very good with children and with walking babies.

She tends to attach strongly to the person who takes care of her. Thus she could be possessive. If she starts to growl at the dog who approaches to you and Bella, please do not let her have the impression of herself being the top dog by denying her some privileges such as accessibility to sofa or bed, for example. This should be done no matter how small her growl is, because it could escalate into a full blown aggression. So far, she is stopped and corrected when she made a small subtle growl.


Bella is very sociable and loves to play with other dogs. She has preference though. It seems her first choice for a playmate is handsome boys (watch the video). She hardly plays with girls when she first meet them. But she can grow friendship with girls over time. Her best friend is a girl in fact. With the right friend, she runs, chases, wrestles, jumps... it is an enjoyable scene to watch (watch the video).

The only time she misbehaves is when she is with a small dog. She tries to mount or pokes the hind of small dogs with her nose or paw as if she tries to find out how far she could go. If the other dog expresses dislikes clearly, she stops (watch the video below). But if the other dog is timid and runs away, she chases after the dog. Thus she needs to be monitored when she interacts with small dogs. She stops at the command.

Bella has no experience with indoor cats. She is very excited at the sight of stray cats. Thus I guess Bella will chase a cat for a hunt. Thus she needs a careful introduction and supervision, if there is an indoor cat.




  • Bella is house broken. She takes care of her most nature calls during walks. But when she has to, she uses urine pads indoors.

  • Bella knows "Sit", "Down", "Stay", "Wait" and "Come". She also does "Bang Bang!", "Nose", "Touch", "Kiss", "V", "paw" and "Hi Five" (watch the video below). She know these commands in Korean but she is smart so she will learn English parallels in no time! She came to us with basic commands already taught. This is another reason why we think she was well cared by her previous owner.

  • Bella does not pull hard during leashed walks either with a collar or a harness (watch the video).

  • Bella is okay with car rides but has a bit of motion sickness; She drools a little. If you use a firm mattress on the car seat, she will stop drooling.

  • Bella does not shed much. She sheds like a girl with long hair. You'll see long white fur on your clothes occasionally.

  • Bella is quiet. She does not bark. She is not easily disturbed by noise. She does not join other dogs in barking.

  • Bella has good appetite. She is having 220 gram/day of Tribal Fresh Pressed (Chicken, Adult, from UK; 371.1Kcal/100gram).

  • Bella plays with toys (balls, soft toys). She may chew up soft toys.

  • Bella has no separation anxiety. She was left alone from 9am to 5pm during weekdays at the foster home. She may eat treats if they are within her reach (she did once). She does not destroy furniture or other things.




Bella will adapt to any home. She will be fine and happy as a single dog or as a member of a dog pack. She will love you as her single mom or dad. She will be equally happy in a big human family. She is good with children.


Bella's Stray Dog Notice. This is the only time she looked anxious and sad. She must have been in a shock of having been surrendered by her owner.

At the foster home, right after rescue.

With her best friend, Bailey ("a girl")

With her love, Teddy ("a boy" now adopted in SF)

Bella at a dog park

Bella with a small dog. In this video, Bella actually likes the small yellow dog ("a boy" Issy) but she approached him in the way she approached small dogs. Thus her intention might not be a bad one when she pokes small dogs.

Bella's life in Seoul

Bella, playing "Nose", "V", "Touch" with her foster mom

Bella with her son Toby at the vet for heartworm treatment

Bella, trying Mom's scarf. Isn't she pretty?

Bella with her amazing foster mom (Instagram @rnkwon)

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