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Harp (now Pongo)

Click the image below to see Harp in his furever home.

breed: Old English Sheep Dog

color: Grey and White

gender: Male (neutered on 2022.03.12)

age: 4Y2M (est. DOB 2018.03.06)

BW: 30kg

2022.03.12 DHPPL(1), KC(1), Corona(1), Rabies

2022.03.26 DHPPL(2), KC(2), Corona(2)

2022.04.09 DHPPL(3)

2022.04.16 Ab test (excellent for CDV & CPV)

2022.05.22 Moved to SF to join Woofies Rescue


2022.03.12 4DX plus test: positive for heartworm & anaplasma

Start 28-day premedication of heartworm treatment

2022.04.15 1st Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.04.16 2nd Injection for heartworm treatment

2022.04.17 Start 15-day medication post to heartworm treatment

2022.10.16 or later, a heartworm test is needed to confirm

make of pre- and post-medication of heartworm treatment

major: doxycycline, prednisone

minor: Ursodeoxycholic Acidc, L-Aspartic Acid L-Ornithine, milk thistle

  • Very obedient & loving

  • Harp really needs a stable loving owner.

  • rather indifferent to other dogs

  • Harp looks powerful. But he receives passively all the aggression from other dog once a fight breaks out.

  • Likes toys (balls, squeaky toys)​

  • good with 'sit' and 'wait'

  • pulls the leash initially during the walk​

  • house broken

Harp is an impressive calm dog with charisma. He will be an excellent match with someone who looks for a loyal, loving, quiet, constant companion.

Harp had two owners. His last owner used to beat him when he was drunk. The neighbors, tired of dog cry, reported it to the police. Harp was taken and sent to UlJin Pound by the police. Harp stayed at the pound more than 3 months until we rescued him in early March, 2022.

We did not know how beautiful Harp was because he was completely hidden under the horribly matted fur. It took a few days to shave it and finally to see this beautiful OE sheep dog.

Amazingly Harp still likes people. He wants to be with people all the time. He will be very happy if you pet or caress him. But he would be equally happy by just sitting quietly by your side. He wants to sleep in or near your bedroom at night.

Harp seems social with dogs at first but in reality he hardly interacts with them. He runs after a ball or a squeaky toy together with other dogs. Thus I expected him to play with other dogs using toys. But the interaction stops once he gets hold of the toy. He often wildly snatch the toys from other dogs, which makes them upset. When a fight breaks out, he does not react. He is withdrawn and passively receives the blows from the other dog without fighting back. I wonder this might be his strategy to withstand the beating from his abusive owner. He might have learned that reacting to aggression does lead to no good places. Sad.

Harp does the same with foods/treats/proximity with people. He won’t stop his trials to take/steal/snatch those to stern “No”. He is not aggressive but he will make your dog aggressive if your dog likes the same things. Thus he would do better as a single dog, in my opinion. He might be okay with a non-threatening playful dog.

Harp loves walks. With leash, he pulls very strongly and would not listen. With off-leash, he will walk by your side without leaving. Harp will try to follow you by climbing the fence, if you go for a walk with other dogs, leaving him behind. But he won’t do so when you leave for work. He might have a separation anxiety if he is left alone, which never happened in my house.

Harp is house broken. He enjoys car rides with no motion sickness. He enjoys the breeze if the window is opened. But interestingly he is scared of getting in or out of the car (Perhaps he thinks that he is sent away again). He is good with “sit”, “wait” and “come”.


Harp's Stray-dog Notice. It says he is female... I guess it was hard to tell his sex with the fur already badly matted at the time of admittance to the pound.

His odd eyes were shown only after removing a chunk of matted fur in his face. Another chunk of matted fur is shown on his left cheek (it is removed in his right cheek).

Harp came with fur the most matted fur I've even seen. The neck area was the worst. Harp must have been choked by the collar that was too tight due to the thick matted fur in his neck.

His beauty finally sees the light.

Harp is very good during car rides. But he is afraid of getting in and off the car. Does he think he is abandoned or moved to another place again?

Harp loves walks. He won't leave your side during walks. In fact he prefers to keep your side in everyday life too. He will be your loyal, gentle, loving companion.

조회수 34회


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