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Teddy (now Luke)

Luke (aka Teddy) owner instagram:

breed: Sapsaree Mix

color: Black & Grey

gender: Male (neutered on 2022.1.15)

age: 2Y3M (est. DOB 2020.01.07)

BW: 15kg

2022.01.07 Negative for CDV, CPV; Positive for CCV

2022.01.15 DHPPL(1), KC(1), Rabies

2022.01.22 Negative for CPV & CCV

2022.01.29 DHPPL(2), KC(2)

2022.02.12 DHPPL(3), Corona

2022.05.22 Moved to SF, CA, USA


  • Very friendly with people. Won't' leave them alone.

  • Moves very fast and a lot. Need focus

  • Very friendly and sociable with other dogs. He meets challenges from other dogs in appropriate manners.

  • Extremely high energy. He will do well in a house with a yard and active playmates.

  • ​Loves food and actively looks for & steal it if he can. He will eat stool if enough food is not given.

  • ​01/27/2022 ~ 04/30/2022 at the trainer's. Basic obedience training & leash training done

  • house broken (but use a manner band for potential marking. He is not a marker though)

  • In general, he is very cute and very fun to live with. But he will need people who can meet his enthusiastic temperament and energy level.

We know nothing about Teddy’s past or how he ended up at the pound. He stayed at the foster home for 3 weeks after the rescue and then moved to the trainer’s. He stayed at the trainer's for 3 months and returned to the same foster home on April 30, 2022.

Teddy is very friendly with people. Too friendly to be honest. He likes to be petted and jumps for it. He is a happy young boy (probably a little less than a year), with a lot of anxious energy. If you hug him tight, he stops fidgeting. Thus I think he is anxious and needs a stable connection with people.

Teddy is hyperactive and has a lot of energy. He jumps at, turns around and runs toward you constantly. We jokingly say that he has ADHD. When I walked across the yard, he follows me right away, runs around me while jumping for quick kisses. He blocks my passage frequently and would not let me walk straight. The days at the trainer's helps a little; now he sits when I say so. But he is still with a lot of energy and activity.

The trainer tried to reduce his hyperactivity by letting him play with young dogs at his place and also by teaching him 'sit' and 'wait'. He has to 'sit' and 'wait' for everything at the trainer’s, for example to get his food bowl or to have a leash on. So we are doing the same at the foster home. So far… he is pretty good but he has a little trouble with 'wait' when treats are involved.

Teddy is friendly with other dogs. And he is sociable in a sense that he responds in a proper manner depending on who he deals with. If it is a timid shy dog, he will be nice and friendly. If it is a strong male dog who tries to dominate him, he will face the challenge without actually going into a real fight. He will listen to you when you shout "No!" or "Teddy!". If it is a playful active dog, oh boy he will play play play... Teddy would love running, jumping and wrestling with this dog.

Teddy is a very enthusiastic eater. He won't discriminate kibbles. And he will be in heaven with canned food or meat jerky. He tends to eat more than necessary. Thus you may need to adjust the amount of kibbles, based on firmness of his stool.

Teddy is very smart. He learned how to use the doggy door installed in a wall on his first day. He also constantly does things to find out what pleases you, just like a border collie puppy. Thus it will be a lot of fun to clicker-train him with new commands.

Teddy is house broken. Teddy may try mark the territory initially (so I advise using a manner band) but it won't last for long. Teddy has not enough experience in car riding. We don't know who he responds if he is in a car with or without window open. Teddy is well trained for basic obedience and leashed walks. He has not been allowed to accompany on leash-free walks.


The stray dog notice. It says he is about 2 years old. But we think he is younger, judging from his mellow body, clean teeth and enormous anxious energy.

At the vet, just before the rescue. We found out he was positive for coronavirus. He got over it in 2 weeks after the rescue. He was negative for heartworms, distemper and parvovirus.

After the arrival at the foster home. His fur was being trimmed. It was a hard job since he would not stay still.

Happy Teddy after the partial grooming done.

Teddy received the first full-grooming and was allowed to mingle with the rest of the pack. (The new rescue dogs are isolated for 1-2 weeks in case they are in latent period for contagious diseases).

Teddy stayed at the trainers for 3 months and returned home on April 30, 2022.

Teddy will be very much in love with you (or anybody). He will follow you and want to be petted or hugged by you. His hyperactivity will stop temporarily if you hug him tight. Thus I think he has some emotional issue (anxiety), which can be solved only with your love. It is hard not to love him.

He won't be a good boy if he is left alone. The best environment for Teddy is a house with yard with other active dogs. If you bring him outdoors a lot, it will be super good for him.

조회수 72회


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