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(Click the image below to see Pepper in her furever home in NYC)

breed: Mix

color: Black & White

gender: Female (spayed on 2022.2.10)

age: 2Y (est. DOB 2020.01.23)

BW: 8kg

2022.01.20 Negative for CDV, CIV, CPV, CCV

Negative for heartworms

2022.01.26 Negative for CDV, CPV, CCV (reconfirm)

2022.01.29 DHPPL(1), Corona(1), Rabies

2022.02.12 DHPPL(2), KC(1), Corona(2)

2022.02.14 Negative for Giardia

2022.02.26 DHPPL(3), KC(2)

2022.04.16 Adopted & left for NYC

Pepper is a pleasure to have around. Though she isn’t completely free from the past, Pepper is just so happy to be with you or to doze off near you. I can guess she has sad past because she easily gets dejected by my scolding. Her whole demeanor changes from a bold happy active dog to a dispirited fearful dog. Thus please be kind to my sweet Pepper.

In my house full of big dogs, small Pepper definitely made her mark. She is outgoing, noisy (not barking but small growling in excitement), friendly to everyone, curious, independent and brave. Thus she could put herself into trouble. When she arrived, she crossed Bailey (a big dog in my house who is possessive of me and food) by boldly approaching me or the food/treat Baily was having without reading the situation first. Bailey showed her feelings by growling at Pepper’s neck. Pepper was cautious around Bailey for a while. Now Pepper plays with Bailey. I mention this because Pepper may repeat this behavior with new dogs. She does not read the situation first before she acts, which can get in the nerve of powerful dogs. Pepper does not know she is a small dog. She plays well with most dogs of various sizes.

Pepper has become house-broken and does pee/poop in the yard 100%. Pepper is pretty smart too but it is hard to hold her attention long enough to teach something. I’m and I will keep trying to teach her basic obedience commands.

Pepper is not good with a leash. She turns and twists in all possible directions, which eventually lets her free from the collar (Her neck is almost a straight continuum of her head. Thus the collar easily comes off if not too tight). Thus you needs to make sure she is pulling ahead of you with her back facing you, in order not to lose her. Never let her resist facing you. The great thing about Pepper is… even if she gets loose, she will come to you after enjoying herself. But please do not test it on a busy street.

Pepper enjoys car rides with no motion sickness. She enjoys the breeze through the open window on tip toes. But please be careful. She may jump out of the window if she sees small prey animals.


Pepper's Stray Dog Notice. She had been in the miserable pound for 4-5 months until we rescued her in late January 2022. Hard to believe this is Pepper.

When she arrived, she looked so different from the picture on the stray dog notice. She was so small, for one thing. I had to compare the dot patterns on her body (her legs) to make sure this is the same dog for sure.

Pepper is recovering.... I love her small face with intense gaze.

Somehow I love this picture of Pepper. It shows her inner strength well, I think. Our little Pepper is not small inside!!!

Pepper, I miss you!!!

I feel like I have been lived without you for months and years...

조회수 28회


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