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(We keep updating Bijou's progress. Please come back time to time).

(Click the image below to see her in the rescuer's home,).

breed: Sapsaree Mix

color: Various shades of brown and black

gender: Female (Spayed on 2022.02.10)

DOB (est): 2020.07.04

BW: 12kg

2022.01.31 DHPPL(1), KC(1), Corona(1), Rabies

2022.02.14 DHPPL(2), KC(2), Corona(2)

2022.03.04 DHPPL(3)

2022.03.18 DHPP(4)

2022.04.01 Antibody test (CDV average; CPV good)

2022.04.17 DHPPL(5)

2022.05.08 DHPPL(6)

2023.01.31 Rabies

2023.02.14 KC, Corona

2023.02.18 Ab test: CDV good (4/6), CPV very good (5/6)

2023.02.21 Join Woofies Rescue in SF, USA

Last Revolution on 1.15 (next 2.15)

Last Internal dewormer on 11.21


Bijou was a feral dog living in a group of wild dogs in the mountains of UlJin. She was captured and admitted to Uljin Pound in late July, 2021. She stayed at the pound for months until we rescued her on Jan 30th, 2022 to avoid euthanaia.


Bijou is a gentle young girl. She is small, fit and healthy. She used to be very scared of people and hide in a corner. But she starts opening up lately about a year after her rescue. She comes for treats almost every time. She comes on calls about a half time without treats. She is happy to come along a walk on a leash (but she will be stressed if she is in an area busy with people and cars). She could be off-leash during walks in the woods; she won't leave the pack; she comes back for treats; she is okay to have the leash back on after a walk. She starts enjoying caress too. She still is very shy and scared of strangers. Thus she will repeat the adopting process all over if she is adopted. But it'll be faster since she learned that she could trust people. One would really feel the value of patience, perseverance and kindness with Bijou.


Bijou used to be very scared of people. When she first came to us, she used to hide in a corner of the yard or under the desk in the living room. She came out only when there were no people around. Therefore, a month after her rescue, we sent her to a foster home, a family of 4 (mom, dad and 2 young kids). They live in an apartment. Thus it was impossible for Bijou to avoid interaction with the family entirely.

Bijou made a significant progress at the foster's. She accepted mom first, then two children and lastly dad (The dad joins the family only during weekend since his job is too far). She did not hide in a corner anymore. She greeted the family when they returned home. At home, she stayed by the family. She came when she was called, though hesitantly. She enjoyed the caress. And she even played with the family. She looked like a normal dog when she was home.

All that changed, when she was out on the streets. She was fine with leashed walks with no pulling when there were no strangers nearby. With a stranger behind, she walked forward and started pulling. With a stranger walking toward her, she stopped waking. She resumed walking only after the stranger passed. She seemed overwhelmed and not to know what to do by the presence of many people walking or jogging or a sudden appearance of a bicycle or a skateboard.

Bijou needed to overcome people phobia. The foster home is surrounded by apartment buidings and there were so many people, bicycles, motocycles and cars on the street. It was too much for Bijou. Thus we relocated Bijou to another foster home located in a more quiet rural area. Unfortunately the 2nd foster home was not secure enough. Bijou escaped the apartment on the 2nd day.

Bijou lived as a wild dog again for a month in July to August, 2022. She was seen wandering around the nearby mountainous area looking for food or company (wild dogs). With the help of professionals, Bijou was finally captured with a trap after a month. She was skinny.

Bijou has been staying with us ever since she was captured in mid August, 2022. Initially Bijou seemed regressed to her initial state right after the rescue. She hid in the corner. She escaped and hid if I shout at another dog and she did not come to me for a while afterward. She did not want to show her back to me during leashed walks. So she always followed me from behind. She also avoid most dogs in the house.

Gradually Bijou adjusted to the life with us and accepted me too. She prefers to stay indoors with me and other dogs, instead of hiding in the yard. Indoors, she no more hides under the desk. She either in the middle of the living room with us or sleep on a mattress near the desk. She comes for treats every time. She comes to my calls about a half time. She wants to go for a walk with us. With a leash, she no more only follows. Sometimes she walks by my side (or in front of me. Then she realizes she shows her back to me and returns to my behind).

Lately (since mid Dec, 2022) Bijou showed a noticeable changes. Now she is pretty good and could get adopted. She come to me for a caress and she enjoys my caress. She let me trim fur around her legs (never before). Once her collar was off during walk. She came back to the house on her own after having time alone in the woods. Thus today I let her off-leash from the start of the walk. She did not leave the pack and behaved as if she was on a leash. It was impressive! Thus I think Bijou is ready to go for adoption. She will surely repeat the same process but she will get this state faster now, since she clearly learned that she could trust people.


Bijou lacks confidence when she approaches other dogs too. She is shy and timid. It takes time for her to mingle with other dogs. But she can and she will with time. She is more afraid of the dog owner, rather than the dog. Thus her social issue with dogs will disappear with the disappearance of her fear of people.

Bijou is okay with indoor cats.




  • House broken? Yes. She answers to nature calls mostly during walks. She may make mistakes in a stressful situation though (ex. a visit of a dominant dog or strangers). She may have a diarrhea in a very stressful situation (ex. a vet visit, a long ride more than an hour).

  • Basic obedience training? Bijou knows 'come', 'sit', and 'wait'. She will do all for treats. Without treats, she comes about a half time.

  • Leash trained? Yes. She does not pull if there are no people around. With strangers, she may trying to escape by jumping and pulling. Thus it is best to avoid crowded areas.

  • Car rides? She has a rather bad motion sickness. She drools and vomits. It could happen during only 20 min drive. She seems to feel a little more stable if she is in the kennel but still she drools and vomits. It is best not to give her the breakfast if you expect a drive.

  • Shedding? Low

  • Barking? None

  • Appetite? Good

  • Separation anxiety? None

  • Children? Good


Bejou is fearful of strangers. Thus she will be happier in a remote rural area. She needs an owner with patience and understanding of her difficulty as a feral dog adjusting to a life with people.


A quiet home in a rural area. She will react badly with loud voice or noise.


Bijou's Stray Dog Notice

Bijou at the rescuer's house in January to February, 2022, after the rescue.

Bijou at the 1st foster home.

The 1st foster home was an apartment with a family of 4 (mom, dad, 2 kids). Bijou had to go out 3-4 times a day for a walk and her nature calls. She was very scared and overwhelmed by everything - elevator, people, cars, noise ....

The family tried hard to make Bijou feel loved... and Bijou responded.

It took time but slowly and gradually Bijou opened her heart to the family. See how different she looks!


Bijou has diarrhea when she is very stressed, for example, a vet visit and a visit of a new dog in the house. Thus be prepared for the accident if you expect a stressful situation for Bijou.

Bijou was stressed by the visit of a bold Golden Retriever to the family. The dog stayed for 2-3 days. Initially she growled a little at his bold direct approach. For the first time she made a mistake inside home (urinating). And she had diarrhea while she was walking with him.


A walk with Bijou is a challenge. The following videos show some of the difficulties you may face during walks on the street with Bijou. These videos were taken on a single night (June 16th, 2022). The foster mom did less control to show how Bijou reacts to strangers.

Bijou is okay when there is a stranger in front of her.

Bijou reacts to the people walking toward her. (Bijou is walking with her foster mom and two human sisters). She hesitates, tries to avoid the strangers by moving to right, stops walking and resumes only after the strangers pass.

When there are too many people from all directions, she is overwhelmed.

The streets around the foster home seemed too much stress for Bijou, with too many people, cycles, cars, noises etc. Thus we found a 2nd foster home located in a rural area.


Bijou moved to a new foster home to improve her sociability with people on July 10, 2022. She escaped the new foster's home 2 days later on July 12, 2022. She roamed the area for a month. Then she was captured on August 13, 2022. She has been at the rescuer's home since.

At the rescuer's house, there are 3 big dogs of the rescuer's and in addition there are a few more rescued dogs. Thus Bijou has a buffer, which makes her less scared of people but gives her less time to interact with the rescuer.

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